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Cybersecurity Question and Answers | Cybersecurity Interview Tips | Edureka Rewind

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Published on 05/27/23 / In How-to & Learning

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This Edureka video on "Cybersecurity Interview Questions and Answers" consists of 50 questions from multiple cybersecurity domains which will help you in preparation for your interviews. Watch it now!!
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:35 What do you mean by Cybersecurity?
00:01:42 What do you have on your home network?
00:03:12 Tell me the difference between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption
00:03:47 What is CIA triad?
00:05:16 How do you report Risks?
00:06:14 What do you know about Cybersecurity Frameworks?
00:06:58 What is Weak Information Security?
00:07:31 What's the better approach to setting up a firewall?
00:09:30 What are Salted Hashes?
00:10:02 How identity theft could be prevented?
00:11:26 State differences between encoding, hashing, and encryption
00:12:34 What steps will you take to secure a server?
00:13:41 Why do you need DNS monitoring?
00:14:25 What is a three-way handshake?
00:14:51 What are the Black hat, white hat, and grey hat hackers?
00:16:05 How often should you perform Patch management?
00:16:25 What do you know about application security?
00:16:46 Differentiate between penetration testing and software testing?
00:18:02 Tell me about some common Cyber Threats
00:20:09 What are different Ost layers? What is the job of the Network layer?
00:21:02 How would you reset a password-protected BIOS configuration?
00:22:18 What is data protection in transit vs data protection at rest?
00:23:21 Tell me the differences between Cybersecurity and Network Security?
00:24:41 What is an ARP and how does it work?
00:25:30 What is 25A and how can it be implemented for public websites?
00:26:07 What techniques can be used to prevent brute force login attacks?
00:26:36 What is Cognitive Cybersecurity?
00:27:01 What is port blocking within LAN?
00:27:20 What is the difference between VPN and VLAN?
00:27:52 What protocols fall under the TCP/IP internet layer?

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