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Functional Programming with Elixir – Full Course

AI Lover
Published on 10/01/23 / In How-to & Learning

Learn Elixir and functional programming in this coruse for beginners. By the end of this course, you'll be able to build your own Elixir applications and confidently apply functional programming concepts in your projects.

✏️ Course created by @octallium

💻 Github Repo: https://github.com/octallium/f....unctional-programmin

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:01:45) What is Elixir?
⌨️ (0:04:07) What is functional programming?
⌨️ (0:06:57) What is Recursion?
⌨️ (0:13:04) Installing Elixir & Setting Up VS Code
⌨️ (0:15:03) Learning & Unlearning
⌨️ (0:18:29) Pattern Matching
⌨️ (0:22:35) Introduction to LiveBook
⌨️ (0:26:04) Understanding Immutability
⌨️ (0:30:22) Actor Model
⌨️ (0:34:48) Hello World in Elixir
⌨️ (0:43:25) Data Types - Atom
⌨️ (0:50:25) Data Types - String
⌨️ (1:45:29) Data Types - Charlist, Process & List
⌨️ (1:14:54) Data Types - Tuples & Keyword List
⌨️ (1:19:27) Data Types - Maps
⌨️ (1:25:38) Data Types - Struct
⌨️ (1:30:09) Flow Control
⌨️ (1:39:54) Mix Project
⌨️ (1:41:19) Head & Tail Recursion
⌨️ (2:00:17) Recursion - Sum Digits
⌨️ (2:15:31) Recursion - Factorial
⌨️ (2:24:57) Recursion - Reverse Number
⌨️ (2:32:45) Lists Are LinkedList!!!
⌨️ (2:35:53) List Sum
⌨️ (2:47:04) Reverse List
⌨️ (2:52:58) List Map
⌨️ (3:04:34) Concat
⌨️ (3:09:23) FlatMap
⌨️ (3:14:07) Mid Review
⌨️ (3:15:00) Seven Wonders
⌨️ (3:40:27) For Comprehension
⌨️ (3:42:00) Expense Manager
⌨️ (4:04:17) Project Stats
⌨️ (5:16:30) Final Words

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan


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